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Information Technology Laboratory

::: 2011-04-01 11:05:41
The information technology group actively use the following hardware and software to support teaching and to advance research frontiers including: advaned numerical methods (parallel finite element analyses, parallel meshfree analyses), engineering visualization (VR in training and education, visualizing monitoring data, etc.), gradient-free optimization methods (life-cycle cost optimization, structural reliability optimization, etc.), wireless monitoring systems, etc.
  • File Servers
  • 2+ Linux PC Clusters 
  • Color Laser Printer ( hp color LaserJet 3700dn ) 
  • 3D Stereo Projector ( 2*NEC LT265 )
  • Hybrid Computing Facilities (PC + Tesla C2050*2, NVidia GTX280*2, NVidia 8800Ultra*2)
  • Tmote sky wireless sensor nodes, Arduino modules, XBee, PSoC, ...
  • Microsoft MSDN subscription