
ICSBM'2014: 4th International Conference on Structures and Building Materials

::: 2014-02-17 16:29:13


March 15-16,2014

we are proud to host 4th International Conference on Structures and Building Materials.

The joint conference provides a major forum for the exchange of ideas and discussion of recent developments in all civil engineering, Architectural and Building Materials research fields. Researchers, engineers, industry representatives and public officials from all over the world will meet to discuss and tackle new challenges regarding all fields of above.

The icsbm organizing committee invite everyone interested in these subject to attend and participate in this upcoming event in Guiyang, China.

After a careful refereeing process, accepted papers will be published on international journal  and will be indexed in the major academic databases, includingEI Compendex, Thomson ISI (ISTP), and other indexing services.

Paper submission due:    February 25, 2014

You can get more information by attention to conference web