- Dang, H. P., Lin, H. D., Kung, J.H.S. and Wang, C. C. (2012), "“Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models”", Accepted, Journal of GeoEngineering (2012). , [EI].
- Dang, H. P., Lin, H. D. and Juang, C. H. (2012), " “Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis - Simplified Approach,"", Accepted, Paper ID #516, ASCE Geo-Congress 2012, Oakland, Geotechnical Special Publication (2012)., [EI].
- Yang, K. H., Zornberg, J. G., Liu, C. N., and Lin, H. D. (2012), ""Backfill Stress and Strain Information within Model Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Slopes"", Accepted, Paper ID #344, ASCE Geo-Congress 2012, Oakland, Geotechnical Special Publication (2012). , [EI].
- Yang, K. H., Zornberg, J. G., Liu, C. N., and Lin, H. D. (2012), "“Stress Distribution and Development within Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Slopes”", 19(1), pp.62-78 Geosynthetics International, (2012)., [SCI], [EI].
- Yang, S. R., Lin, H. D., and Huang, W. H. (2011), "“Variation of Matric Suction with Compaction Conditions for Clayey Soils”", Accepted, Manuscript No.: 100-4-11A, Journal of Mechanics (2011). , [SCI], [EI].
- Ching, J., Lin, H. D., and Yen, M. T. (2011), " “Calibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results"", ASCE, 137(5), pp.309-323, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, (2011). , [SCI], [EI].
- 林宏達 (2011), "「乾濕化路徑對不飽和夯實土壤之基質吸力與剪力模數之影響」", 國科會工程科技通訊,112期,第129-132頁,NSC97-2221-E-011-098-MY2(2011).
- Yang, S. R. and Lin, H. D. (2010), "“Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness of Compacted Residual Subgrade Soil”", Transportation Research Record, Journal of Transportation Research Board, No.2101, pp.63-71, NSC-96-2221-E011-088 (2010). , [SCI], [EI].
- Ching, J., Lin, H. D., and Yen, M. T. (2009), "“Model Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Data”", Structural Safety, ASCE, 31, pp.420-431(2009). , [SCI], [EI].
- Ching, J., Lin, H. D., and Yen, M. T. (2009), "“Reliability-based Code Calibration for Single Bored Piles in Taipei Basin,”", Journal of Mechanic, 25(4), pp.389-400 (2009). , [SCI], [EI].
- 林士誠, 林宏達, 郭晉榮, 林永光 (2009), "「柱狀式地盤改良引致連續壁變位之探討」", 地工技術,121期,第93-104頁 (2009).
- Lin, H. D.and Lin, S. C. (2008), "“Analysis of Diaphragm Wall Displacement due to Jet Grouting in Clay”", Geotechnical Engineering, Journal of Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society, 39(1), pp.1-11 (2008)., [EI].
- Yang, S. R., Lin, H. D., Kung, H. S. J. and Liao, J. Y. (2008), " “Shear Wave Velocity and Suction of Unsaturated Soil Using Bender Element and Filter Paper Method”", Journal of GeoEngineering, 3(2), pp.67-74, NSC-95-2221-E011-035 (2008). , [EI].
- Lin, H. D., Liang, R.. Y., Tsai, P. H. and Dang, H. P. (2011), "“Analysis of Load Transfer Factor of Soil Slope Stabilized by Drilled Shaft,” ", Proceedings, 3rd International Conference on Computational Mechanics (ISCM III), paper no. MS08-02, pp.222-223, Taipei (2011).
- Dang, H. P., Lin, H. D., Kung, J.H.S. and Wang, C. C. (2011), "“Analyses of Excavation-Induced Ground Settlement with Existing Building”", Proceedings, International Conference on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering, pp.737-742, Perth, Australia (2011).
- 林宏達 (2012), "「噴射灌漿對鄰近土壤及連續壁變位影響之案例探討」", Invited Lecture,台北市捷運局,2011年9月7日 (2011).
- 林宏達 (2011), "「深開挖近接施工有限土體引致之土壓力分析及其對壁體變位之影響」", Invited Lecture,互助營造教育訓練課程,2011年7月30日 (2011).
- 王正君, 林宏達, 拱祥生, 廖志穎 (2011), "「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」", 第十四屆大地工程研討會,龍潭,論文編號A-04 (2011)。(獲本研討會優良論文獎).
- 林宏達, 拱祥生, 余子鳴, 蕭新財 (2011), "「不飽和崩積土壤邊坡基質吸力自動化監測系統整合測試與探討」", 第十四屆大地工程研討會,龍潭,論文編號C-05 (2011).
- Lin, H. D., Dang, H. P., Kung, J.H.S., Hsiung, B. C. B. and Chen, C. H. (2011), "“Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Building,”", Proceedings, 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, CD-ROM, paper no.327, Hong Kong (2011).
- 陳建勝, 林宏達, 楊國鑫, 林永光, 呂芳熾, 郭晉榮, 黃一昌, 林建宏 (2011), "「深開挖有限土體引致之土壓力分析」", 2011海峽兩岸地工技術/岩土工程交流研討會,廣州 (2011).
- Lin, H. D., Kung, J. H. S., Wang, C. C., Liao, Tsai. M. F. (2010), "“Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration”", Keynote Lecture, 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls, pp.13-29, Sendai, Japan (2010).
- Wang, C. C., Kung, J. H. S., Liao, C. Y. and Lin, H. D. (2010), "“Experimental Study on Matric Suction of Unsaturated Subgrade Soil upon Drying and Wetting”", Proceedings, 3rd International Conference on Problematic Soils, CD-ROM, pp.345-352, Adelaide, Australia (2010).
- Dang, H. P., Lin, H. D. and Hsieh, Y. M. (2010), " “Simulation of Advanced Soil Models by Using User Defined Model Feature in PLAXIS,” ", Proceedings, 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, CD-ROM, 1P-267/ pp.1-4, Taipei, Taiwan (2010).
- 林宏達, 陳建忠, 林建宏, 林熹麟, 拱祥生 (2009), "「山坡地社區擋土設施安全診斷基準」", Invited Lecture,2009都市防災論壇:山坡地社區災害防制新興技術發展研討會,台北,內政部建築研究所主辦 (2009).
- 廖惠菁, 李維峰, 林宏達 (2009), "「以t-z曲線分析台北市信義計畫區反循環樁之現地承載行為」", 第十三屆大地工程研討會,宜蘭,論文編號A-31 (2009)。(獲本研討會優良論文獎).
- 王正君, 拱祥生, 林宏達 (2009), "「乾、濕化路徑對路基土壤基質吸力之影響」", 第十三屆大地工程研討會,宜蘭,論文編號C-26 (2009).
- 卿建業, 林宏達, 顏銘佐 (2009), "「台北盆地單孔鑽掘樁阻抗因子的校準」", 第十三屆大地工程研討會,宜蘭,論文編號J-07 (2009).
- 王建智, 謝坤宏, 詹勳山, 倪瑞鴻, 李維峰, 林宏達 (2009), "「考量土層弱化影響之深開挖災變案例壁體變位分析」", 第十三屆大地工程研討會,宜蘭,論文編號B-14 (2009).
- 廖惠菁, 李維峰, 林宏達 (2009), "「台北市信義計畫區反循環樁之現地承載行為分析」", 2009海峽兩岸地工技術/岩土交流研討會,台中,台灣卷第103~108頁 (2009).
- Yang, S.R. and Lin, H. D. (2009), "“Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness of Compacted Residual Subgrade Soil”", CD- ROM, paper number 09-0520, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. (2009).
- Lee, W. F., Lin, H. D., Liao, H. J., Hsieh, K. H., Wang, C. C., Kuo, C. J., and Liu, F. C. (2008), "“Performance Analysis of Diaphragm Walls of a Deep Excavation”", Proceedings of the International Geotechnical Conference-Development of Urban Areas and Geotechnical Engineering, Saint Petersburg, Volume 1, pp.273-278 (2008).
- 王建智, 謝坤宏, 柯武德, 林宏達 (2008), "「考量黏土小應變修正雙曲線模式與深開挖分析」", 第七屆海峽兩案隧道研討會,中國大陸,pp.1-8 (2008).