首頁 > 系所成員 > 大地組教師 > 葉馥瑄


Name: 葉馥瑄  助理教授
葉馥瑄  助理教授
Degree: 國立臺灣大學博士
E-mail: fhyeh@mail.ntust.edu.tw
Homepage: --
Office: E2-708
Tel: +886-2-27376586
Fax: +886-2-27376606
Major Field: 大地材料組成律模式開發、大地工程數值分析、土壤液化振動台試驗設計和實作


Title Start At End At Remark Link
博士後研究員 2021-08 2023-07 國立臺灣大學土木工程學系 --
兼任助理教授 2022-02 2023-01 淡江大學土木工程學系 --
訪問學者 2021-03 2021-07 Ruhr Universität Bochum at Chair of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Environmental Geotechnics in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Germany --
專任研究助理 2017-03 2017-08 國立臺灣大學土木工程學系 --
大地工程師 2013-08 2017-02 中鼎工程股份有限公司 --

期刊論文 & 研討會論文 & 專書及技術報告

  1. Fu-Hsuan Yeh, Merita Tafili*, Luis Felipe Prada-Sarmiento, Louis Ge, and Torsten Wichtmann (2023),  "Inspection of two sophisticated models for sand based on generalized plasticity: Monotonic loading and Monte Carlo analysis",  International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics,  47(3), 425-456,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  2. Cheng-Hsi Hsiao, Albert Y. Chen, Louis Ge*, and Fu-Hsuan Yeh (2022),  "Performance of artificial neural network and convolutional neural network on slope failure prediction using data from the random finite element method",  Acta Geotechnica,  1-11,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  3. Fu-Hsuan Yeh, Yi-Chun Lai, Louis Ge*, and Shih-Hao Cheng (2022),  "Evaluation of the Material Point Method in Modeling the Post-failure and Run-Out of Translational Landslide: A Case Study in Taiwan",  Journal of Testing and Evaluation,  50(4), 2054-2068,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  4. Wen-Yi Hung, Minh-Canh Tran, Fu-Hsuan Yeh*, Chih-Wei Lu, and Louis Ge (2020),  "Centrifuge modeling of failure behaviors of sandy slope caused by gravity, rainfall, and base shaking",  Engineering Geology,  271,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  5. Fu-Hsuan Yeh, Tsan-Shen Chuang, Fang-Jung Tsai, and Louis Ge* (2020),  "Calibration of Advanced Constitutive Model Using Optimization Techniques",  Journal of Testing and Evaluation,  48, 2196-2212,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  6. Fu-Shu Jeng, Meng-Chia Weng*, Fu-Hsuan Yeh, Yi-Hsien Yang, and Tsan-Hwei Huang (2019),  "A Constitutive Model of Sandstone Considering the Post-Peak Behavior",  Journal of Mechanics,  35, 13-25,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  1. Kin Tar Yap, Fu-Hsuan Yeh*, Yu-Syuan Jhuo, Chi-Chin Tsai, Chih-Wei Lu, and Louis Ge (2023),  "A comparative study of liquefaction simulations with two cyclic constitutive models",  Smart Geotechnics for Smart Societies,  In 17th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 2023 (17ARC), Astana, Kazakhstan, 14 August - Friday 18 August, pp. 1657–1662,  [EI].  [LINK]
  2. Fu-Hsuan Yeh*, Hao-Ching Wang, Wen-Di Lee, and Louis Ge (2023),  "Image Analyses of Liquefaction-Induced Settlements and Sand Boil in Shaking Table Tests",  Geotechnical Special Publication,  In Geo-Congress 2023, Los Angeles, USA, March 26th – 29th, pp. 357-366,  [EI].  [LINK]
  3. Fu-Hsuan Yeh*, Min-Chien Chu, Louis Ge, and Chi-Chin Tsai (2021),  "Simulation of undrained behavior of sand-silt mixtures using generalized plasticity model with state parameter",  In 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 20+1),  Milano, August 22-27, 2021.
  4. Fu-Hsuan Yeh*, Meng-Chia Weng, and Louis Ge (2019),  "Implementation of a nonlinear elastoplastic model for tunneling in sandstone",  In 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ARC 2019,  Taipei, Taiwan, October 14-18, 2019,  [EI].
  5. Fu-Hsuan Yeh*, Chun-Jia Huang, Jen-Yu Han, and Louis Ge (2018),  "Modeling Slope Topography Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Image Technique",  In MATEC web of conferences,  Vol. 147, p. 07002. EDP Sciences, the Third International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure and Built Environment (SIBE), Bandung, Indonesia, September 26, 2017,  [EI].  [LINK]
  6. 王昊擎、李文迪*、顏振庭、范韻翎、葉馥瑄、張硯翔、陳家漢、葛宇甯 (2022),  "應用影像分析技術於振動台土壤液化噴砂量化之研究",  Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Current Researches in Geotechnical Engineering in Taiwan,  August 31st - September 2nd, 2022, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
  7. 范韻翎*、顏振庭、葉馥瑄、張硯翔、王昊擎、李文迪、陳家漢、葛宇甯 (2022),  "1-g 振動台液化試驗於不同受振頻率下噴砂與沉陷之探討",  Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Current Researches in Geotechnical Engineering,  August 31st - September 2nd, 2022, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
  8. 顏振庭、林俊宏*、張宏駿、葛宇甯、馬開東、黃奕忠、Ming Yang、葉馥瑄、Leopoldo Bello (2022),  "台灣西部海域應用重力式安裝錨錨碇之可行性初探",  Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Current Researches in Geotechnical Engineering in Taiwan,  August 31st - September 2nd, 2022, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
  9. 葉馥瑄*、顏振庭、葛宇甯、范韻翎 (2022),  "以振動台試驗初探土壤液化噴砂機制",  2022 岩盤工程暨工程地質研討會,  2022/1/20 - 21, 桃園.
  10. Fu-Hsuan Yeh*, Tsan-Shen Chuang, and Louis Ge (2018),  "Calibration of Advanced Constitutive Model Using an Optimization Method",  In the Thirty-First KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering,  Kyoto, Japan, November 22-24, 2018.
  11. Fu-Hsuan Yeh and Louis Ge (2016),  "Implementation of Membership Function in a Cyclic Plasticity Model for Granular Materials",  International Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards,  In the 7th Taiwan –Japan Joint Workshop on Hazards from Large Earthquake and Heavy Rainfall, Pingtung, Taiwan, September 2016.
  12. 葉馥瑄、黃燦輝、翁孟嘉、鄭富書、童士恒 (2014),  "砂岩隧道變形性之評估 - 以非線性彈塑性模式初探",  第十二屆岩盤工程研討會,  台中.
  13. 楊長義、翁孟嘉、葉馥瑄、楊智凱 (2013),  "花崗岩受熱與應力作用之耦合效應模擬研究",  第十五屆大地工程研討會,  雲林.
  14. 彭詩容、葉馥瑄、黃燦輝、童士恒 (2010),  "數位影像相關係數法應用於岩石節理面粗糙度量測之研究",  第十屆岩盤工程研討會,  高雄.