首頁 > 系所成員 > 系名譽教授 > 林耀煌


Name: 林耀煌  教授
林耀煌  教授
Degree: 日本早稻田大學碩士
E-mail: yhlca@mail.ntust.edu.tw
Homepage: --
Office: T2-206
Tel: +886-2-27303266
Fax: +886-2-27303267
Major Field: 專案管理、營建管理、工程施工方法、勞工安全衛生管理、品質管理、環境管理、風險管理


Title Start At End At Remark Link
國立臺灣科技大學 2012-06 2016-07 特聘教授 --
國立臺灣科技大學營建工程系 2007-08 2016-07 教授 --
國立臺灣科技大學 2012-02 2013-01 副校長 --
國立臺灣科技大學 2012-02 2013-01 主任秘書 --
國立臺灣科技大學營造業職業災害防治中心 2007-02 2016-12 主任 --
國立臺灣科技大學生態與防災工程研究中心 2010-08 2012-07 主任 --
國立臺灣工業技術學院暨國立台灣科技大學 1995-08 1998-07 總務長 --
國立臺灣科技大學營建工程系 1982-08 2008-07 副教授 --
國立臺灣工業技術學院營建系 1976-02 1982-08 講師 --
日本鹿島建設株式會社國際事業部 1974-03 1976-02 工程師 --

期刊論文 & 研討會論文 & 專書及技術報告

  1. Tsai, H.-C., Tyan,Y.-Y., Wu, Y.-W. (2013),  "Gravitational particle swarm",  Applied Mathematics and Computation,  219, 9106-9117,  [SCI],  [EI].
  2. sai, H.-C., Tyan,Y.-Y., Wu, Y.-W., Lin, Y.-H., (2013),  "Determining Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations Using a Genetic Programming system",  Neural Computing & Applications,  Article in Press.,  [SCI].
  3. Tsai, H.-C., Wu, Y.-W., Tyan, Y.-Y., Lin, Y.-H., (2013),  "Programming Squat Wall Strengths and Tuning Associated Codes with Pruned Modular Neural Network",  Neural Computing & Applications,  Article in Press.,  [SCI].
  4. Pan, C.-P., Tsai, H.-C., Lin, Y.-H., (2013),  "Improving Semi-empirical Equations of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations Using Soft Computing Polynomials",  Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,  26, 478-487.,  [SCI].
  5. Lin, Y.H., Chiu, C.-C., Lee, P.-C., Lin,Y.-J., (2012),  "Applying Fuzzy Grey Modification Model on Inflow Forecasting",  Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,  25, 734-743.,  [SCI].
  6. Lin, Y.-H., Chiu C.-C., Lin, Y.-J., Lee, P.-C. (2012),  "Rainfall prediction using innovative grey model with the dynamic index",  Journal of Marine Science and Technology,  [SCI].
  7. Tsai, H.-C., Tyan, Y.-Y., Wu, Y.-W., Lin, Y.-H., (2012),  "Isolated Particle Swarm Optimization with Particle Migration and Global Best Adoption",  Engineering Optimization,  44(12), 1405-1424.,  [SCI].
  8. Tsai, H.-C., Lin, Y.-H. (2011),  "Modeling deep beam strengths with a genetic programming system",  Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction,  p.1104-p.11.
  9. Kuo, H.-L., Kang, S.-C., Lu ,C.-C., Hsieh, S.-H., Lin, Y.-H., (2011),  "Using virtual instruments to teach surveying courses: Application and assessment",  Computer Applications in Engineering Education,  9(3), 2011, 411-420.,  [SCI].
  10. Tsai, H.-C., Lin, Y.-H. (2011),  "Modification of the fish swarm algorithm with particle swarm optimization formulation and communication behavior",  Applied Soft Computing,  11 (8), pp. 5367-5374.,  [SCI].
  11. Tsai, H.-C., Lin, Y.-H. (2011),  "Modular neural network programming with genetic optimization",  Expert Systems with Applications,  38 (9), pp. 11032-11039.,  [SCI].
  12. Lin, Y.-H., Lin, C.-C., Tyan, Y.-Y. (2011),  "An integrated quantitative risk analysis method for major construction accidents using fuzzy concepts and influence diagram",  Journal of Marine Science and Technology,  19 (4), pp. 383-391.,  [SCI].
  13. Chen, C.V., Su, C.-C., Lin, Y.-H. (2011),  "The rule of law in China and Taiwan - Toward "one China, better system"",  Issues and Studies,  46 (4), pp. 217-247..
  14. Tsai, H.-.C., Lin, Y.-H., (2011),  "Predicting High-strength Concrete Parameters Using Weighted Genetic Programming",  Engineering with Computers,  27(4), 347-355.,  [SCI].
  15. Lin, Y.-H. Lee, P.-C., Chang, T.-P., (2009),  "Adaptive and high-precision grey forecasting model",  Expert Systems with Applications,  36 9658-9662,,  [SCI].
  16. Lin, Y.-H., Lee, P.-C., (2009),  "Effective evaluation model under the condition of insufficient and uncertain information",  Expert Systems with Applications,  36 5600-5604,  [SCI].
  17. Lin, Y.-H., Lee, P.-C., Chang, T.-P., (2009),  "Practical expert diagnosis model based on the grey relational analysis technique",  Expert Systems with Applications,  36 1523-1528,  [SCI].
  18. Lin, Y.-H., Wu, Y.-W., Chiou, J.-S., (2008),  "The impacts of sociopolitical instability on construction dimension",  Applied Economics Letters,  15 1207-1211..
  19. Lin, Y.-H., Lee, P.-C., Chang, T.-P., (2008),  "Integrating grey number and Minkowski distance function into grey relational analysis technique to improve the decision quality under uncertain information",  Construction Management and Economics,  26(2) 115-123.,  [EI].
  20. Lin, Y.-H., Lee, P.-C., Chang, T.-P., (2008),  "Applying Gray Relational Analysis with Gray Numbers to Qualitative Identification of the Origin of Hydraulic Cement Clinker by Trace Elements",  JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING,  539-543.,  [SCI].
  21. Lin, Y.-H., Lee, P.-C., Ting, H.-I, (2008),  "Dynamic multi-attribute decision making model with grey number evaluations",  Expert Systems with Applications,  35 1638-1644,  [SCI].
  22. Lin, Y.-H., Lee, P.-C., Chang, T.-P., Ting, H.-I, (2008),  "Multi-attribute group decision making model under the condition of uncertain information",  Automation in Construction,  17 792-797.,  [SCI].
  23. Lin, Y.-H., Lee, P.-C., (2007),  " Novel high-precision grey forecasting model",  Automation in Construction,  16 771-777.,  [SCI].
  24. Lin, Y.-H., Wu, Y.-W., (2005),  "Dynamic relationship of steel prices between two different markets: Taiwan and Mainland China",  Journal of Marine Science and Technology,  14(4) 243-254.,  [SCI].
  25. Chen, S.-H., Lin, Y.-H., Chang, L.-C., Chang, F.-J., (2006),  "The strategy of building a flood forecast model by neuro-fuzzy network",  HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES,  20, 1525–1540.,  [SCI].
  26. Chen, S.-H.; Lin, Y.-H.; Wang, Y.-F.; Tseng, C.-M.; Chang, K.-C.; Chuang, M.-D., (2006),  "Applying non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis for measuring the assemblage change of Chu-Lan Creek dike in Taiwan",  Ecological Engineering,  28(4) 345-353.,  [SCI].
  27. Lin, Y.-H., Tyan, Y.-Y., Chang, T.-P., Chang, C.-Y., (2004),  "An assessment of optimal mixture for concrete made with recycled concrete aggregates",  Cement and Concrete Research,  34 1373-1380.,  [SCI].
  28. Su, S.-F.; Liao, H.-J.; Lin, Y.-H., (1998),  "Base stability of deep excavation in anisotropic soft clay",  Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,  124(9) 809-819.,  [SCI].
  29. 李秉展、林耀煌 (2005),  "安全風氣應用於營造業之初探",  工業安全衛生月刊,  第194期,第33-42頁.
  30. 林耀煌、李秉展、丁心逸 (2005),  "營造工程專案安全管理模式之建構",  工業安全衛生月刊,  第193期,第17-28頁.
  31. 林耀煌、李秉展 (2004),  "淺談防止隧道內落磐與湧水之施工安全管理",  工業安全衛生月刊,  第181期,第49-64頁.
  32. 林耀煌、林楨中 (2004),  "橋樑工程場撐工法施工倒塌原因及對策之探討",  工業安全衛生月刊,  第181期,第37-48頁.
  33. 林耀煌、李秉展 (2003),  "淺談工作場所安全衛生風險管理參考標準",  工業安全衛生月刊,  第174期,第28-43頁.
  34. 林耀煌、林楨中 (2003),  "營造業施工安全稽核制度之探討",  工業安全衛生月刊,  第174期,第15-27頁.
  35. 林耀煌 (1999),  "營建工程噪音污染預防與環境管理系統",  工業防治污染,  第69期,第129-141頁.
  36. 蘇世豐、廖洪鈞、林耀煌 (1999),  "以滑動分析探討異向性粘土中深開挖底部之穩定性",  中國土木水利工程學刊.