首頁 > 系所成員 > 大地組教師 > 林宏達


Name: 林宏達  教授
林宏達  教授
Degree: 美國加州大學柏克萊分校博士
E-mail: hdlin@mail.ntust.edu.tw
Homepage: 土壤行為研究室
Office: E2-210
Tel: +886-2-27376559
Fax: +886-2-27376606
Major Field: 土壤行為、椿基礎、地下開挖、不飽和土壤力學


Title Start At End At Remark Link
主任 2012-08 2015-07 國立台灣科技大學生態與防災工程研究中心 --
Editor-in-Chief 2011-04 2017-03 Journal of GeoEngineering --
總編輯 2008-12 2011-12 地工技術 --
常務編輯 2008-09 2012-11 土水學刊 --
理事長 2007-04 2009-03 大地工程學會 --
系主任 2003-08 2006-07 台灣科技大學營建工程系 --
副教授 1988-08 1998-01 國立台灣科技大學營建工程系 --

期刊論文 & 研討會論文 & 專書及技術報告

  1. Dang, H. P., LinH. D., Kung, J.H.S. and Wang, C. C. (2012),  "“Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models”",   Accepted, Journal of GeoEngineering (2012). ,  [EI].
  2. Dang, H. P., LinH. D. and Juang, C. H. (2012),  " “Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis - Simplified Approach,"",  Accepted, Paper ID #516, ASCE Geo-Congress 2012, Oakland, Geotechnical Special Publication (2012).,  [EI].
  3. Yang, K. H., Zornberg, J. G., Liu, C. N., and LinH. D. (2012),  ""Backfill Stress and Strain Information within Model Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Slopes"",  Accepted, Paper ID #344, ASCE Geo-Congress 2012, Oakland, Geotechnical Special Publication (2012). ,  [EI].
  4. Yang, K. H., Zornberg, J. G., Liu, C. N., and LinH. D. (2012),  "“Stress Distribution and Development within Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Slopes”",  19(1), pp.62-78 Geosynthetics International, (2012).,  [SCI],  [EI].
  5. Yang, S. R., LinH. D., and Huang, W. H. (2011),  "“Variation of Matric Suction with Compaction Conditions for Clayey Soils”",  Accepted, Manuscript No.: 100-4-11A, Journal of Mechanics (2011). ,  [SCI],  [EI].
  6. Ching, J., LinH. D., and Yen, M. T. (2011),  " “Calibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results"",  ASCE, 137(5), pp.309-323, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, (2011). ,  [SCI],  [EI].
  7. 林宏達 (2011),  "「乾濕化路徑對不飽和夯實土壤之基質吸力與剪力模數之影響」",  國科會工程科技通訊,112期,第129-132頁,NSC97-2221-E-011-098-MY2(2011).
  8. Yang, S. R. and LinH. D. (2010),  "“Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness of Compacted Residual Subgrade Soil”",  Transportation Research Record, Journal of Transportation Research Board, No.2101, pp.63-71, NSC-96-2221-E011-088 (2010). ,  [SCI],  [EI].
  9. Ching, J., LinH. D., and Yen, M. T. (2009),  "“Model Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Data”",  Structural Safety, ASCE, 31, pp.420-431(2009). ,  [SCI],  [EI].
  10. Ching, J., LinH. D., and Yen, M. T. (2009),  "“Reliability-based Code Calibration for Single Bored Piles in Taipei Basin,”",  Journal of Mechanic, 25(4), pp.389-400 (2009). ,  [SCI],  [EI].
  11. 林士誠, 林宏達, 郭晉榮, 林永光 (2009),  "「柱狀式地盤改良引致連續壁變位之探討」",  地工技術,121期,第93-104頁 (2009).
  12. LinH. D.and Lin, S. C. (2008),  "“Analysis of Diaphragm Wall Displacement due to Jet Grouting in Clay”",   Geotechnical Engineering, Journal of Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society, 39(1), pp.1-11 (2008).,  [EI].
  13. Yang, S. R., LinH. D., Kung, H. S. J. and Liao, J. Y. (2008),  " “Shear Wave Velocity and Suction of Unsaturated Soil Using Bender Element and Filter Paper Method”",  Journal of GeoEngineering, 3(2), pp.67-74, NSC-95-2221-E011-035 (2008). ,  [EI].
  1. LinH. D., Liang, R.. Y., Tsai, P. H. and Dang, H. P. (2011),  "“Analysis of Load Transfer Factor of Soil Slope Stabilized by Drilled Shaft,” ",  Proceedings, 3rd International Conference on Computational Mechanics (ISCM III), paper no. MS08-02, pp.222-223, Taipei (2011).
  2. Dang, H. P., LinH. D., Kung, J.H.S. and Wang, C. C. (2011),  "“Analyses of Excavation-Induced Ground Settlement with Existing Building”",  Proceedings, International Conference on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering, pp.737-742, Perth, Australia (2011).
  3. 林宏達 (2012),  "「噴射灌漿對鄰近土壤及連續壁變位影響之案例探討」",  Invited Lecture,台北市捷運局,2011年9月7日 (2011).
  4. 林宏達 (2011),  "「深開挖近接施工有限土體引致之土壓力分析及其對壁體變位之影響」",  Invited Lecture,互助營造教育訓練課程,2011年7月30日 (2011).
  5. 王正君, 林宏達, 拱祥生, 廖志穎 (2011),  "「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」",  第十四屆大地工程研討會,龍潭,論文編號A-04 (2011)。(獲本研討會優良論文獎).
  6. 林宏達, 拱祥生, 余子鳴, 蕭新財 (2011),  "「不飽和崩積土壤邊坡基質吸力自動化監測系統整合測試與探討」",  第十四屆大地工程研討會,龍潭,論文編號C-05 (2011).
  7. LinH. D., Dang, H. P., Kung, J.H.S., Hsiung, B. C. B. and Chen, C. H. (2011),  "“Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Building,”",  Proceedings, 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, CD-ROM, paper no.327, Hong Kong (2011).
  8. 陳建勝, 林宏達, 楊國鑫, 林永光, 呂芳熾, 郭晉榮, 黃一昌, 林建宏 (2011),  "「深開挖有限土體引致之土壓力分析」",  2011海峽兩岸地工技術/岩土工程交流研討會,廣州 (2011).
  9. LinH. D., Kung, J. H. S., Wang, C. C., Liao, Tsai. M. F. (2010),  "“Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration”",  Keynote Lecture, 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls, pp.13-29, Sendai, Japan (2010).
  10. Wang, C. C., Kung, J. H. S., Liao, C. Y. and LinH. D. (2010),  "“Experimental Study on Matric Suction of Unsaturated Subgrade Soil upon Drying and Wetting”",  Proceedings, 3rd International Conference on Problematic Soils, CD-ROM, pp.345-352, Adelaide, Australia (2010).
  11. Dang, H. P., LinH. D. and Hsieh, Y. M. (2010),  " “Simulation of Advanced Soil Models by Using User Defined Model Feature in PLAXIS,” ",  Proceedings, 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, CD-ROM, 1P-267/ pp.1-4, Taipei, Taiwan (2010).
  12. 林宏達, 陳建忠, 林建宏, 林熹麟, 拱祥生 (2009),  "「山坡地社區擋土設施安全診斷基準」",  Invited Lecture,2009都市防災論壇:山坡地社區災害防制新興技術發展研討會,台北,內政部建築研究所主辦 (2009).
  13. 廖惠菁, 李維峰, 林宏達 (2009),  "「以t-z曲線分析台北市信義計畫區反循環樁之現地承載行為」",  第十三屆大地工程研討會,宜蘭,論文編號A-31 (2009)。(獲本研討會優良論文獎).
  14. 王正君, 拱祥生, 林宏達 (2009),  "「乾、濕化路徑對路基土壤基質吸力之影響」",  第十三屆大地工程研討會,宜蘭,論文編號C-26 (2009).
  15. 卿建業, 林宏達, 顏銘佐 (2009),  "「台北盆地單孔鑽掘樁阻抗因子的校準」",  第十三屆大地工程研討會,宜蘭,論文編號J-07 (2009).
  16. 王建智, 謝坤宏, 詹勳山, 倪瑞鴻, 李維峰, 林宏達 (2009),  "「考量土層弱化影響之深開挖災變案例壁體變位分析」",  第十三屆大地工程研討會,宜蘭,論文編號B-14 (2009).
  17. 廖惠菁, 李維峰, 林宏達 (2009),  "「台北市信義計畫區反循環樁之現地承載行為分析」",  2009海峽兩岸地工技術/岩土交流研討會,台中,台灣卷第103~108頁 (2009).
  18. Yang, S.R. and LinH. D. (2009),  "“Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness of Compacted Residual Subgrade Soil”",  CD- ROM, paper number 09-0520, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. (2009).
  19. Lee, W. F., LinH. D., Liao, H. J., Hsieh, K. H., Wang, C. C., Kuo, C. J., and Liu, F. C. (2008),  "“Performance Analysis of Diaphragm Walls of a Deep Excavation”",  Proceedings of the International Geotechnical Conference-Development of Urban Areas and Geotechnical Engineering, Saint Petersburg, Volume 1, pp.273-278 (2008).
  20. 王建智, 謝坤宏, 柯武德, 林宏達 (2008),  "「考量黏土小應變修正雙曲線模式與深開挖分析」",  第七屆海峽兩案隧道研討會,中國大陸,pp.1-8 (2008).