首頁 > 系所成員 > 系名譽教授 > 廖洪鈞


Name: 廖洪鈞  特聘教授
廖洪鈞  特聘教授
Degree: 美國西北大學博士
E-mail: hjliao@mail.ntust.edu.tw
Homepage: https://groundimprovementblog.wordpress.com/
Office: E2-706
Tel: +886-2-27376583
Fax: +886-2-27376606
Major Field: 坡地工程、地盤改良、地溫利用、節能減碳之大地工程


Title Start At End At Remark Link
副教授 1986-08 1996-08 台灣科技大學-營建系 --
教授 1986-08 2012-10 台灣科技大學-營建系 --
系主任 2000-08 2003-07 台灣科技大學-營建系 --
總務長 2005-02 2008-07 台灣科技大學 --
研發長 2009-08 2011-01 台灣科技大學 --
執行長 2010-02 2011-01 台灣科技大學-台灣建築科技中心 --
主任 2007-01 2012-10 台灣科技大學-公共資產與設施管理研究中心 --

期刊論文 & 研討會論文 & 專書及技術報告

  1. Kuo Chihping, Hung-Jiun Liao (2012),  "The Feasibility of Using Circulating Groundwater as Renewable Energy Sources for Air-conditioning in Taipei Basin Renewable Energy",  Renewable Energy, Volume 39, Issue 1, pp. 175-182..
  2. Su, Shi-Fong, Hung-Jiun Liao (2012),  "Stability of Grout Piles Reinforced Excavations in Soft Clay",  Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 26, Issue 2..
  3. 廖洪鈞, 鄭世豪 (2011),  "台灣北部地錨邊坡之破壞態樣與處理對策",  地工技術雜誌,第130期,第7-18頁.
  4. 鄭世豪, 李維峰, 廖洪鈞, 等人 (2011),  "聲洩技術應用於地錨損傷判斷之模擬與分析",  地工技術雜誌,第127期,第87-96頁.
  5. Ching, J., Liao, H. J., and Lee, J. Y. (2011),  "Predicting rainfall-induced landslide potential along a mountain road in Taiwan",  Geotechnique, Volume 61, No. 2 , pp. 153 –166,  [SCI].
  6. Muntohar, Agus Setyo, Liao, Hung-Jiun (2010),  "Rainfall Infiltration - Infinite Slope Model for Landslides Triggered by Rainstorm",  Natural Hazards, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 967-984,  [SCI].
  7. Hu, I-Chou, Liao, H. J. (2010),  "A Model of Slope Mitigation Priority for Alishan Mountain Road in Taiwan",  Journal of Performance for Constructed Facilities, ASCE, Vol. 24, Issue 4, pp. 373-381,  [SCI].
  8. Liao, H. J., Lin, C. C. (2009),  "Case Studies on Bermed Excavation in Taipei Silty Soil",  Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 46. pp. 889-902,  [SCI].
  9. 李維峰, 冀樹勇, 王昭雯, 黃佳駿, 廖洪鈞, 陳正興 (2009),  "莫拉克風災地工災情統計分析",  地工技術雜誌,第122期,第5-12頁.
  10. Muntoha, Argus Setyo, Liao, Hung-Jiun (2009),  "Analysis of rainfall induced infinite slope failure during typhoon using a hydrological – geotechnical model",  Environmental Geology: Volume 56, Issue 6, pp. 1145-1159,  [SCI].
  11. 李維峰, 黃千紋, 廖洪鈞 (2009),  "鄰近施工之管理及工法對策",  地工技術雜誌,第120期,第25-34頁.
  12. Ching, Jianye, Liao, Hung-Jiun,, and Sue, Chia-Wei, (2008),  "Calibration of Reliability-based Resistance Factors for Flush Drilled Soil Anchors in Taipei Basin",  Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 134, No. 9, pp. 1348-1363,  [SCI].
  13. Liao, H. J., Lin, C. C., and Huang, C. J. (2008),  "Modeling the effect of ground improvement on reducing movement during bermed excavation in clay",  Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 31, No. 1 pp. 81-93,  [SCI].
  1. Chu, H. C., Wong, K. N., Yu, C. F., Liao, H. J., and Cheng, S. H. (2012),  "Large Diameter Rapid Jet Grouting in Taipei Silty Soil",  Proc. 4th International Conference on Grouting and Deep Mixing, New Orleans.
  2. Liao, H. J., Kuo, L. W., Wong, K. N., Cheng, S. H., and Chien, P. Y. (2012),  "Properties of Hydraulically Dumped Coal Ash after Soil Mixing Improvement",  Proc. 4th International Conference on Grouting and Deep Mixing, New Orleans, .
  3. Liao, H-J, Lin, Chih-Chen,, Chao-Jie Jeng (2012),  "Enhancing Stability of Deep Excavation in Soft Clay by Grout Piles",  Proc. 4th International Conference on Grouting and Deep Mixing, New Orleans.
  4. 廖洪鈞, 鄭世豪, 王錦伍, 張志豪 (2011),  "現地攪拌工法於灰塘煤灰改良之應用研究",  第14 屆大地工程研討會,龍潭。.
  5. Liao, H. J., Cheng, S. H. (2011),  "Failure cases of Anchors and Anchored Slopes in Taiwan",  Proc. of the 5th Cross-strait Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Hong Kong..
  6. Liao, H. J.,  (2011),  "nvestigation of an Expressway Dip Slope Failure",  ISSMGE TC 302 Forensic Geotechnical Engineering, HK..
  7. Liao, H. J.,  (2010),  "Challenges and Strategies for the Ground Anchors and Anchored Slopes in Taiwan",  Proc. of International Symposium on Strategies for Hazard Prevention and Life Cycle Management of Roadway Slopes under Extreme Natural Hazards, Nov. 29, Taipei..
  8. Su, S. F., Liao, H. J. (2010),  "A model for evaluating base stability of braced excavations in anisotropic soft clay",   Proc. 17th Southeast Asia Geotechnical Conference, Taipei..
  9. 廖洪鈞, 鍾紹宏 (2009),  "以張力計量測紅土地層之雨水入滲行為",  第十三屆大地工程學術研討會暨國科會成果發表會,論文編號:C-16,宜蘭。.
  10. Liao, Hung-jiun, Kuo, Chih-ping, and Wang, Chen-sin (2010),  "Using Circulating Groundwater as Cooling Medium for Air Conditioner at NTUST",   Proc. 17th Southeast Asia Geotechnical Conference, Taipei..
  11. Muntohar, Agus Setyo, Liao, Hung-Jiun (2009),  "Lateral Movement of the Tie-back Wall",  Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Numerical Analysis in Engineering (NAE 2009), West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia..
  12. 廖洪鈞, 郭治平 (2009),  "台北盆地景美層水體傳熱型為之數值模擬研究",  第十三屆大地工程學術研討會暨國科會成果發表會,論文編號:F-21,宜蘭。.
  13. Liao, H. J., Lin, C. C. (2009),  "Deep Mixing Piles Reinforced Bermed Excavation in Silty Soil",  Proc. of International Symposium on Deep Mixing & Admixture Stabilization, Okinawa, May 19-21, Paper No. DI-8. .
  14. Hu, I. C., Liao, H. J. (2008),  "A Probabilistic Model for Evaluating Slope Stability along a Mountain Road in Taiwan",  Proc. of 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfall, Keelung, pp. 165-176..
  15. Liao, H. J., Lin. C. C. (2008),  "Rainfall Induced Tied-back Slope Failure in Taiwan",  Proc. of 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfall, Keelung, pp. 305-315..
  16. Liao, H. J., Kuo C. P. (2008),  "A Case Study on Gravitational Recharge-back Ability of Chingmei Gravel Aquifer in Central Taipei Basin",  Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization, Taipei..
  17. Cheng, S. H., Wong, Ricky K. N., Liao, H. J. (2012),  "A large diameter jet grouting method for arrival of shield tunnelling machine",  ISSMGE TC-211 International Symposium on Ground Improvement, IS-GI Brussels, 31 May & June 1 2012..
  1. 廖洪鈞, 等人 (2012),  "國道三號3.1公里崩塌事件原因調查",  中華民國大地工程學會(2011)。.
  2. 廖洪鈞, 陳福勝等人 (2009),  "捷運鄰近工程之設計與施工準則及解說之研究",  台灣世曦工程顧問公司研發計畫成果報告.