首頁 > 系所成員 > 結構組教師 > 蕭博謙


Name: 蕭博謙  副教授
蕭博謙  副教授
Degree: 美國華盛頓大學博士
E-mail: pchsiao@mail.ntust.edu.tw
Homepage: 創新鋼結構技術研究室(ITS Lab.)
Office: E2-215
Tel: +886-2-2730-1194
Fax: +886-2-2737-6606
Major Field: 鋼結構設計與分析、地震工程、創新耐震結構系統開發、耐震評估分析方法、性能設計方法、大型結構試驗
大學部: 頂石工程實務、結構學(英授)、高等鋼結構設計(英授)、工程數學(一)、營建工程概念設計、營建工程初階設計與實作、程式設計概論。 研究所: 鋼結構構件行為學(英授)。

==== 歡迎各位同學加入本研究團隊 ====


Title Start At End At Remark Link
中華民國地震工程學會- 耐震補強委員會 委員 2020-01 2022-01 -- --
中華民國地震工程學會- 耐震規範委員會 委員 2020-01 2022-01 -- --
中華民國地震工程學會- 研究發展委員會 委員 2020-01 2022-01 -- --
國立台灣科技大學 營建系 助理教授 2018-08 2021-01 -- --
國立中興大學 土木工程學系 助理教授 2016-08 2018-07 -- [LINK]
日本學術振興會(JSPS) 京都大學防災研究所 博士後研究員 2012-10 2014-09 -- [LINK]
財團法人國家實驗研究院 國家地震工程研究中心 研究助理 2006-06 2007-08 -- [LINK]

期刊論文 & 研討會論文 & 專書及技術報告

  1. Hsiao, P.C., S.C. Chou, and *C.C. Hung (2023),  "A novel seismic strengthening method for RC frames: Precast ultra-high performance concrete braces",  Journal of Building Engineering,  71:106592 (Rank: 9/138, Impact Factor: 7.144),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  2. Zhang, C.W., Duan, C.K., Sun, L., Zhu, L.M., Hsiao, P.C.  (2023),  "Shaking table test of multiple-type isolation control strategies for high-rise structure based on friction pendulum",  Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,  171:107935 (Rank: 58/202, Impact Factor: 4.250),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  3. *Hsiao, P.C. and Li, C.Y. (2023),  "Development and testing of knife-plate connected steel panel dampers",  Journal of Building Engineering,  68:106207 (Rank: 9/138, Impact Factor:7.144),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  4. Ghasemi, M., Zhang, C.W., Khorshidi, H., Zhu, L.M., Hsiao, P.C. (2023),  "Seismic upgrading of existing RC frames with displacement-restraint cable bracing",  Engineering Structures,  282: 115764 (Rank: 20/138, Impact Factor: 5.582),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  5. *Hsiao, P.C. and Li, C.Y. (2023),  "Seismic performance assessments of naturally buckling braced frame building structures",  Journal of Building Engineering,  63:105523 (Rank: 9/138, Impact Factor:7.144),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  6. Chang, Y., *Coca, J.J.P. and Hsiao, P.C. (2022),  "Diploneis serrata (Bacillariophyceae):The use of structural mechanistic analysis to resolve morphological classification and molecular identification of a new record diatom species from Kenting,Taiwan",  Ecological Informatics,  69:101588 (Rank: 44/173, Impact Factor:4.498) ,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  7. Alia, A., Zhang, C.W., Bibi, T., Zhua, L.M., Cao, L.Y., Li, C.X., Hsiao, P.C. (2022),  "Investigation of five different low-cost locally available isolation layer materials used in sliding base isolation systems",  Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,  154:107127 (Rank: 58/202, Impact Factor:4.25),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  8. Worku, A.M. and *Hsiao, P.C. (2022),  "An improved first-mode-based pushover analytical procedure for assessing seismic performance of special moment resisting frame building structures",  Engineering Structures,  252, 113587 (Rank: 20/138, Impact Factor: 5.582) ,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  9. *Hsiao, P.C. and Lin, K.S. (2021),  "Experimental investigation on the seismic performance of cored moment resisting stub columns",  Steel and Composite Structures,  39(4), 353-366 (Rank: 14/138, Impact Factor:6.144),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  10. *Ayough, P., Ibrahim, Z., Sulong, N.R., Hsiao, P.C. and Elchalakanid, M.  (2021),  "Numerical analysis of square concrete-filled double skin steel tubular columns with rubberized concrete",  Structures,  32:1026-1047 (Rank: 43/138, Impact Factor: 4.010),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  11. *Ayough, P., Sulong, N.R., Ibrahim, Z. and Hsiao, P.C.  (2021),  "The effects of cross-sectional shapes on the axial performance of concrete-filled steel tube columns",   Journal of Constructional Steel Research,  176: 106424 (Rank: 35/138, Impact Factor: 4.349),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  12. 蕭博謙, 李承益 (2020),  "新型抗彎矩消能斜撐耐震行為特性研究與試驗",  中國土木水利學會會刊,  第四十七卷,第六期 DOI: 10.6653/MoCICHE.202012_47(6).0000,  [EI].
  13. *Ayough, P., Sulong, N.R., Ibrahim, Z. and Hsiao, P.C.  (2020),  "Nonlinear analysis of square concrete-filled double-skin steel tubular columns under axial compression",   Engineering Structures,  216:110678 (Rank: 20/138, Impact Factor: 5.582),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  14. *Hsiao, P.C., and Cheng,Y.T. (2020),  "Effects of Far-Field and Near-Fault Cyclic Loadings on Seismic Performance of Naturally Buckling Braces in Pairs",  Engineering Structures,  214:110668 (Rank: 20/138, Impact Factor: 5.582) ,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  15. *Zhu, L.M., Yan, H.P., Hsiao, P.C. and Zhang, J.H. (2020),  "Hysteretic Behaviour of Composite Vertical Connection Structures used in Prefabricated Shear Wall Systems",  International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,   20(6):2040007 (Rank:55/138, Impact Factor:2.957),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  16. *Hsiao, P.C., Lin, K.S., Liao, W.C., Zhu, L.M., and Zhang, C.W. (2020),  "Development and Testing of Cored Moment Resisting Stub Column Dampers",  Steel and Composite Structures,  34(1), 107-122 (Rank: 14/138, Impact Factor:6.144),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  17. *Hsiao, P.C., and Lin, K.S. (2020),  "Slenderness Effects in Naturally Buckling Braces Under Seismic Loads",  Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE,  146(5): 04020058 (Rank: 45/138, Impact Factor:3.858),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  18. *Hsiao, P.C., and Liao, W.C. (2019),  "Effects of Hysteretic Properties of Stud-type Dampers on Seismic Performance of Steel Moment Resisting Frame Buildings",  J. of Structural Engineering, ASCE,  145(7): 04019065 (Rank: 45/138, Impact Factor:3.858),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  19. *Inamasu, H., Skalomenos, K. A., Hsiao, P.C., Hayashi, K., Kurata, M. and Nakashima, M. (2017),  "Gusset Plate Connections for Naturally Buckling Braces",  J. of Structural Engineering, ASCE,  143(8). (Rank: 45/138, Impact Factor:3.858),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  20. *Hsiao, P.C., Hayashi, K., Inamasu, H., Luo, Y.B. and Nakashima, M. (2015),  "Development and Testing of Naturally Buckling Steel Braces",  J. of Structural Engineering, ASCE,  142(1). (Rank: 35/126, Impact Factor:1.700),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  21. *Hsiao, P.C., Hayashi, K., Nishi, R., Lin, X.C. and Nakashima, M. (2014),  "Investigation of concrete-filled double-skin steel tubular columns with ultra-high-strength steel",  J. of Structural Engineering, ASCE,  141(7). (Rank: 31/125, Impact Factor: 1.504),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  22. *Hsiao, P.C., Lehman, D.E., Berman, J.W., Roeder, C.W. and Powell, J. (2014),  "Seismic Vulnerability of Older Braced Frames",  Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE,   28(1): 108–120.(Rank: 87/124, Impact Factor: 0.592),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  23. *Hsiao, P.C., Lehman, D.E. and Roeder, C.W. (2013),  "A Model to Simulate Special Concentrically Braced Frames Beyond Brace Fracture",  Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics,  42(2):183-200. (Rank: 15/122, Impact Factor:1.898),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  24. *Hsiao, P.C., Lehman, D.E. and Roeder, C.W. (2013),  "Evaluation of the Response Modification Coefficient and Collapse Potential of SCBFs",  Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics ,  42(10):1547-1564.(Rank: 15/122, Impact Factor:1.898),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  25. *Lumpkin, E.J., Hsiao, P.C., Roeder, C.W., Lehman, D.E., Tsai, K.C., Tsai, C.Y., Wei, C.Y., Wu, A. (2012),  "Investigation of the seismic response of three-story special concentrically braced frames",  Journal of Constructional Steel Research,  77:130-144.(Rank: 27/118, Impact Factor:1.251),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  26. *Hsiao, P.C., Lehman, D.E. and Roeder, C.W.  (2012),  "Improved Analytical Model for Special Concentrically Braced Frames",   Journal of Constructional Steel Research,  73:80-94. (Rank: 27/118, Impact Factor:1.251),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  27. *Tsai, K.C., Hsiao, P.C., Wang, K.J., Weng, Y.T., Lin, M.L., Lin, K.C., Chen, C.H., Lai, J.W. and  (2008),  "Pseudo-Dynamic Tests of A Full-Scale CFT/BRBF Frame - Part 1: Specimen Design, Experiment, and Analysis",  Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics ,  37(7):1081-1098.(Rank: 5/89, Impact Factor:1.386),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  28. *Tsai, K.C. and Hsiao, P.C.  (2008),  "Pseudo-dynamic test of a full-scale CFT/BRBF frame - Part 2: Seismic Performance of Buckling-Restrained Braces and Connections",  Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics,  37(7):1099-1115. (Rank: 5/89, Impact Factor:1.386),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]