
Name: 楊國鑫  副教授
楊國鑫  副教授
Degree: 美國德州大學奧斯汀分校土木工程博士
E-mail: khy@mail.ntust.edu.tw
Homepage: Geo-Environmental and Geo-Disaster Eng. Lab
Office: T2-223
Tel: +886-2-27301227
Fax: +886-2-27376606
Major Field: 邊坡穩定與擋土工程、地工合成材應用、大地工程數值模擬、大地環境與防災工程

Inviting prospective students to join our research team


Title Start At End At Remark Link
年輕學者研究獎 2016-12 2016-12 國立台灣科技大學 --
青年成就獎 2014-09 2014-09 國際地工合成材學會 [LINK]
優秀年輕學者研究計畫(三年期) 2013-08 2016-07 國科會 [LINK]
大專生研究創新獎 指導教授 2015-07 2015-07 科技部 [LINK]
亞洲優秀青年大地工程師 臺灣代表 2012-01 2012-01 中華民國大地工程學會 [LINK]
土壤加勁技術委員 2012-01 2014-12 國際地工合成材協會 [LINK]
亞洲大地工程技術委員 (ATC6) 2015-01 2015-01 國際土壤力學暨大地工程學會 --
執行編輯 2011-01 2016-12 中華民國大地工程期刊 [LINK]
第十屆理事與學刊副主任委員 2015-01 2016-12 中華民國大地工程學會 [LINK]
第九屆理事與會員委員會主委 2016-01 2017-12 中華地工材料協會 [LINK]
第二十二屆青年工程師與國際事務委員 2016-01 2018-01 中國土木水利工程學會 --
訪問學者 2015-07 2015-09 加拿大皇家軍事大學(科技部國外短期研究計畫) [LINK]
訪問學者 2008-01 2008-12 巴西聯邦大學黑金市校區 [LINK]
系務特別助理 2014-01 2015-07 臺科大營建系 --

期刊論文 & 研討會論文 & 專書及技術報告

  1. YangK-H, Uzuoka R., Thuo J.N., Lin G-L, and Nakai T.,  (2017),  "Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Analysis of Two Unstable Unsaturated Slopes Subject to Rainfall Infiltration",  Engineering Geology, 216, 13-30,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  2. 周瑞生, 楊國鑫, 林婕嫈 (2016),  "應用資料探勘技術暨啟發式演化組合模型預測離散纖維加勁土壤之剪力強度參數",  中國土木水利工程學刊, 第28卷第3期,205-218,  [EI].
  3. YangK-H, and Wang, J-Y (2016),  "Experiment and Statistical Assessment on Piping Failure of Soils with Different Gradations",  Marine Georesources and Geotechnology,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  4. Hsiung, B-C, YangK-H, Aila, W. and Hung, C. (2016),  "Three-Dimensional Effect of a Deep Excavation on Wall Deflections in Loose to Medium Dense Sands",  Computers and Geotechnics,  80, 138-151,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  5. YangK-H, Wu, J.T.H., Chen, R-H, and Chen, Y-S (2016),  "Lateral Bearing Capacity and Failure Mode of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Barriers Subject to Lateral Loadings",  Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 44, 799-812,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  6. YangK-H, Nguyen, M.D., Yalew, W.M., Liu, C-N, and Gupta, R. (2016),  "Behavior of Geotextile-Reinforced Clay under Consolidated-Undrained Tests: Reinterpretation of Porewater Pressure Parameters",  Journal of GeoEngineering, 11(2), 45-52,  [EI].  [LINK]
  7. Tung, H., Chen, H-Y, Hu, J-C, Chen, H., YangK-H (2016),  "Transient Deformation induced by Groundwater Change in Taipei Metropolitan Area revealed by High Resolution X-band SAR Interferometry",  Tectonophysics, 692(B), 265-277,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  8. Chou, J.S, YangK-H, Lin J-Y. (2016),  "Peak Shear Strength of Discrete Fiber-Reinforced Soils computed by Machine Learning and Metaensemble Methods",  Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 30(6), 04016036,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  9. YangK-H, Yalew, W.M., and Nguyen, M.D (2016),  "Behavior of Geotextile- Reinforced Clay with a Coarse Material Sandwich Technique under Unconsolidated- Undrained Triaxial Compression",  International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE,  16(3), 04015083,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  10. Thuo, J.N., YangK-H, and Huang, C-C (2015),  "Infiltration into Unsaturated Reinforced Slopes with Nonwoven Geotextile Drains sandwiched in Sand Layers",  Geosynthetics International, 22(6), 457-474,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  11. Chou, J-S, YangK-H, and Ren, T-C (2015),  "Ex-post Evaluation of Preparedness Education in Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Response",  International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction,  12, 188-201,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  12. Chou, J-S, YangK-H, Pampang, J.P., Pham, A.D (2015),  "Evolutionary Metaheuristic Intelligence to Simulate Tensile Loads in Reinforcement for Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures",  Computers and Geotechnics,  66, 1-15,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  13. 邱建國, 楊國鑫, 陳道平, 蔡長銘, 邱子熙 (2015),  "臺北市企業防災推動機制研究",  災害防救科技與管理學刊,  第4卷第1期,49-75,中華民國104年3月,*2015 Best Paper Award from this journal.  [LINK]
  14. Liu, C-N, YangK-H, and Nguyen, M.D. (2014),  "Behavior of Geogrid-Reinforced Sand and Effect of Reinforcement Anchorage under Large-Scale Plane Strain Compression ",  Geotextiles & Geomembranes, 42, 479-493,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  15. 林俊佑, 楊國鑫 (2014),  "低滲透非塑性粉土內不織布排水效果與改善措施之試驗研究",  中國土木水利工程學刊,  第26卷第2期,181-192,中華民國103年6月,  [EI].  [LINK]
  16. Mohamed, S., YangK-H, and Hung, W-Y (2014),  "Finite Element Analyses of Two-Tier Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Walls: Comparison Involving Centrifuge Tests and Limit Equilibrium Results ",   Computers and Geotechnics, 61, 67-84,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  17. Wu, J.T.H., YangK-H, Mohamed S., Pham T., and Chen, R-H (2014),  "Suppression of Soil Dilation - A Reinforcing Mechanism of Soil-Geosynthetic Composites",  Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology, 1(1), 68-82.  [LINK]
  18. Mohamed, S., YangK-H, Hung W-Y (2013),  "Limit Equilibrium Analyses of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Two-Tiered Walls: Calibration from Centrifuge Tests",  Geotextiles and Geomembranes,  41, 1-16,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  19. YangK-H, Utomo, P, and Liu, T-L (2013),  "Evaluation of Force-Equilibrium and Deformation-Based Design Approaches for Predicting Reinforcement Tension within Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures",  Journal of GeoEngineering,  8(2), 41-54, *2013 Excellent Paper Award from this journal,  [EI].  [LINK]
  20. Nguyen, M.D., YangK-H, Lee, S-H, Wu, C-S, Tsai, M-H (2013),  "Behavior of Nonwoven Geotextile Reinforced Soil and Mobilization of Reinforcement Strain under Triaxial Compression",  Geosynthetics International, 20(3), 207-225,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  21. Chou, J-S, YangK-H, Cheng, M-Y, and Tu, W-T (2013),  "Identification of Heavy-Rainfall-Induced Disaster Potentials and Assessment of Community Evacuation Capacity in Taipei",  Natural Hazards,  66(2), 167-190,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  22. 楊國鑫, 劉家男, 周南山 (2012),  "加勁擋土結構物內加勁材張力發展之各種預測公式比較",  地工技術期刊第134期,中華民國101年12月.  [LINK]
  23. Liu, C-N, YangK-H, Ho, Y-H, and Chang, C-M (2012),  "Lessons Learned from Three Failures on a High Steep Geogrid-Reinforced Slope ",  Geotextiles and Geomembranes,  34, 131-143,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  24. YangK-H, Zornberg, J.G., Liu, C-N and Lin, H-D. (2012),  "Stress Distribution and Development within Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Slopes",  Geosynthetics International,  19(1), 1-17,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  25. Lin, Y-C, Lee, C-H, YangK-H, Lin, M-H, Chen, K-F, and Pan, C-P,  (2011),  "Pollutant Trends and Hazard Ranking in the Desalination Area of the Penghu Islands, Taiwan ",  Desalination,  281, 159-164,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  26. 楊國鑫, 周瑞生, 涂莞庭, 雷泰雄, 蔡茂岳 (2011),  "臺北市颱洪與坡地災害潛勢界定與風險分析",  營建管理季刊,第八十六期,中華民國100年6月,  *2011 Best Paper Award from this journal.  [LINK]
  27. YangK-H, Zornberg, J.G., Hung, W-Y and Lawson, C.R. (2011),  "Location of Failure Plane and Design Considerations for Narrow Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Wall Systems",  Journal of GeoEngineering, 6(1), 13-25,  *2011 Best Paper Award from this journal,  [EI].  [LINK]
  28. YangK-H, Ching, J-Y and Zornberg, J.G. (2011),  "Reliability-Based Design for External Stability of Narrow Mechanically Stabilized Wall: Calibration from Centrifuge Tests",  Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 137(3), 239-253,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  29. Lin, M-H, Lee, C-H, Lin, Y-C and, YangK-H (2011),  "Potentially Toxic Trace Elements Accumulating in Marine Sediment and Bivalves in the Outfall Area of a Desalination Plant ",  Desalination and Water Treatment, 25, 106-112,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  30. YangK-H, and Liu, C-N (2007),  "Finite Element Analysis of Earth Pressures for Narrow Retaining Walls",  Journal of GeoEngineering, 2(2), 43-52,  [EI].  [LINK]
  31. Wu, F-C and, YangK-H (2004),  "Entrainment Probabilities of Mixed-size Sediment Incorporating Near-bed Coherent Flow Structures",  Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 130(12), 1187-1197,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  32. Wu, F-C and, YangK-H (2004),  "A Stochastic Partial Transport Model for Mixed-Size Sediment: Application to Assessment of Fractional Mobility",  Water Resources Research, 40(4), W04501.,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  33. 吳富春, 楊國鑫 (2003),  "水田土地利用型態對區域性微氣候之影響評估",  中國農業工程學報,第49卷第2期,pp.53-68, 中華民國92年6月.  [LINK]
  1. Huynh, V.D.A., Thuo, J.N. and, YangK-H,  (2016),  "Effect of Sand Cushion Thickness on Improving the Stability of Geosynthetic-reinforced Soil Slopes Subject to Rainfalls",  Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Geotechnics for Sustainable infrastructure Development, Geotec Hanoi 2016,  Hanoi, Vietnam, November 2016.
  2. Thuo, J.N., Huynh, V.D.A., YangK-H, and Portelinha, F.H.M (2016),  "Behavior of Geotextile- and Geogrid-Reinforced Soil Slopes with Various Backfills Subject to Rainfalls",  Proceedings of the 6th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics, Geosynthetics Asia 2016 ,  Deli, India, November 2016,  [EI].
  3. Aila, W., Hsiung, B-C, YangK-H, and Tsai, Y-Y (2016),  "Establishment of Geotechnical Properties and 3D Numerical Models for Deep Excavation in Central Jakarta",  Proceedings of the 19th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference and the 2nd Inaugural AGSSEA Conference, 19SEAGC/2AGSSEA, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2016.
  4. YangK-H, Wu, T.H.J., Chen, R.H., Chen Y-S (2015),  "Numerical Study on Lateral Bearing Capacity and Failure Mode of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Barriers",  Proceedings of the 15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 15 ARC, Fukuoka, Japan, November 2015,  [EI].
  5. YangK-H, Liu, C-N, and Nguyen, M.D. (2014),  "Effect of Reinforcement Anchorage on the Plane Strain Behavior of Geogrid-Reinforcement Sand",  Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics, 10 ICG, Berlin, Germany, September 2014 ,  [EI].
  6. Thuo, J.N., and, YangK-H, (2014),  "Numerical Study of Infiltration into Unsaturated Clay Slopes with Nonwoven Geotextile Drains sandwiched in Sand Cushions: Featuring the Capillary Barrier Effect",  Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics, 10 ICG, Berlin, Germany, September 2014,  [EI].
  7. Mohamed, S., YangK-H, Hung, W-Y (2013),  "Limit Equilibrium Analyses of Two-Tiered Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Wall Models in a Geotechnical Centrifuge",  Proceedings of International Symposium on Design and Practice of Geosynthetic-reinforced Soil Structures, Bologna, Italy, October 2013.
  8. Ge, L and, YangK-H (2013),  "Tensile Strength of Lightly Cemented Sand through Indentation Tests",  Proceedings of the XVIII International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,  XVIII ICSMGE, Paris, France, September 2013,  [EI].
  9. YangK-H, Hung, W-Y and Kencana, E.Y. (2013),  "Acceleration Amplified Responses of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures with a Wide Range of Input Ground Acceleration",  ASCE Geo-Congress 2013, San Diego, California, March 2013, Geotechnical Special Publication, GSP 231, 1178-1187,  [EI].  [LINK]
  10. YangK-H (2012),  "Evaluation of Various Design Methods for Predicting Reinforcement Tension within Geosynthetics-Reinforced Soil Structures",  Proceedings of the 7th Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, 7AYGEC, Tokushima, Japan, September 2012.,  *Best Paper Award from this conference.
  11. Gupta, R., YangK-H, Zornberg, J.G., and Roodi, H. (2012),  "Analytical Model for Pullout Test to be Used in Geosynthetic-Reinforced Pavements",  Proceedings of the 2nd Pan American Geosynthetics Conference, GEOAMERICAS 2012, Lima, Peru, May 2012.
  12. YangK-H, Zornberg, J.G., Liu, C-N. and Lin, H-D (2012),  "Backfill Stress and Strain Information within a Centrifuge Geosynthetic-Reinforced Slope under Working Stress and Large Soil Strain Conditions",  ASCE Geo-Congress 2012, Oakland, California, March 2012, Geotechnical Special Publication, GSP 225, 461-470,  [EI].  [LINK]
  13. YangK-H, Zornberg, J.G. and Bathurst, R.J. (2010),  "Mobilization of Reinforcement Tensions within Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures",  Earth Retention Conference 3, ER2010, Bellevue, Washington, August 2010, Geotechnical Special Publication, GSP 208, 494-501,  [EI].  [LINK]