
Name: 林正祥  專案教授
林正祥  專案教授
Degree: 國立交通大學博士
E-mail: hsiang474@mail.ntust.edu.tw
Homepage: --
Office: T2-223-3
Tel: +886-2-2733-3141
Fax: +886-2-2737-6606
Major Field: 研究領域:結構地震風險評估、隨機振動分析、鋪面條件評估。


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專案教授/臺灣科技大學營建系 2024-08 2024-08 -- --
教授、副教授、助理教授、講師/華夏科技大學、華夏技術學院 1994-08 2024-07 --
副校長、教務長、主任秘書、設計學院院長、系主任/華夏科技大學、華夏技術學院 2002-02 2016-07 -- --
執行委員、管考委員、訪視委員/技專校院區域教學資源中心計畫 2012-02 2014-07 -- --

期刊論文 & 研討會論文 & 專書及技術報告

  1. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2024),  "Exploring the Relationship between the International Roughness Index (IRI) and the ISO 8608 Roughness Coefficient (Gd(n0))",  International Journal of Pavement Engineering,  Vol. 25, No. 1, 2359530.,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  2. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2024),  "Developing a Seismic Demand Hazard Curve for Seismic Pounding Risk Assessment of Adjacent Buildings",  International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,  Vol. 24, No. 3, 2471002.,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  3. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2021),  "Evaluation of Critical Separation Distance to Avoid Seismic Pounding between Buildings- A Spectral Approach",  Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,  Vol. 50, No. 11, pp. 2863-2882.,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  4. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2018),  "Determining the Lowest Loan-to-Value Ratio on Commercial Real Estate Investment",  International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies,  Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 228-237..  [LINK]
  5. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2018),  "Earthquake Insurance Pricing: A Risk-based Approach",  Disasters,  Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 392-404.,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  6. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2017),  "Comparing the Maintenance Quality of Two Groups of Equipment: A Case of Water Chillers",  International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering,  Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 7-11..  [LINK]
  7. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2017),  "Seismic Performance Evaluation for Reinforced Concrete Buildings and Masonry Buildings",  Applied Mechanics and Materials,  Vol. 863, pp 305-310..  [LINK]
  8. Jeng-Hsiang Lin and Chien-Jou Yang (2016),  "Applying Analytic Network Process to the Selection of Construction Projects",  Open Journal of Social Sciences,  Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 41-47..  [LINK]
  9. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2016),  "Probability-based Seismic Performance Evaluation for Buildings",  World Journal of Engineering and Technology,  Vol. 4, pp. 8-14..  [LINK]
  10. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2015),  "Simulation of Dynamic Vehicle Load on Road Pavement",  Vibroengineering Procedia,  Vol. 5, pp. 503-508..  [LINK]
  11. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2014),  "Variations in Dynamic Vehicle Load on Road Pavement",  International Journal of Pavement Engineering,  Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 558-563.,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  12. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2014),  "Time Series Modeling of Non-stationary Earthquake Ground Motions: Using ARMA-GARCH Models",  Applied Mechanics and Materials,  Vol. 470, pp. 240-243..  [LINK]
  13. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2014),  "Probabilistic Evaluation for Commercial Real Estate Investment",  Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing,  Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 551-559..  [LINK]
  14. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2014),  "Peak Story Drift of a Building Structure Subjected to Earthquakes",  Applied Mechanics and Materials,  Vols. 580-583, pp. 1439-1442..  [LINK]
  15. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2014),  "Seismic Performance Evaluation of Buildings in Taiwan",  Applied Mechanics and Materials,  Vols. 638-640, pp. 1854-1857..  [LINK]
  16. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2012),  "Exceedance Probability of Extensive Damage Limit for General Buildings in Taiwan",  Disaster Prevention and Management,  Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 451-463.,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  17. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2012),  "Waiting Period for Agency-Brokered Housing Transactions",  African Journal of Business Management,  Vol. 6, No. 14, pp. 4948-4956..  [LINK]
  18. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2012),  "Dynamic Responses of a Simply Supported Bridge to Moving Vehicle Loads",  Applied Mechanics and Materials,  Vols. 117-119, pp. 231-235..  [LINK]
  19. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2012),  "Real Estate Investment in Seismically Active Regions: Feasibility Assessment and Decision Making",  African Journal of Business Management,  Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 898-907..  [LINK]
  20. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2011),  "Application of Combination Methods to Estimating Building Separations in Taiwan",  Applied Mechanics and Materials,  Vols. 90-93, pp. 1593-1596..  [LINK]
  21. 林正祥、林世俊、陳建謀、蕭寬民 (2010),  "物業管理大樓冰水主機設備之維護品質及成本分析",  暖通空調,  第40卷,第4期,第115-118頁。.
  22. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2008),  "Seismic Fragility Analysis of Frame Structures",  International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,  Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 451-463.,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  23. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2006),  "Response of a Bridge to a Moving Vehicle Load",  Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering,  Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 49-57.,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  24. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (2005),  "Evaluation of Seismic Pounding Risk of Buildings in Taiwan",  Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers,  Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 867-872.,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  25. Jeng-Hsiang Lin and Cheng-Chiang Weng (2004),  "Evaluation of Dynamic Vehicle Load on Bridge decks",   Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers,  Vol.27, No.5, pp.695-705.,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  26. 林正祥、鄭凱文 (2003),  "簡支型橋樑動態衝擊效應之評估",  土木工程技術,  第七卷,第三期,第53-66頁。.
  27. 林正祥 (2003),  "道路舖面動態車輛載重之模擬",  土木工程技術,  第七卷,第二期,第35-44頁。.
  28. Jeng-Hsiang Lin and Cheng-Chiang Weng (2002),  "A Study on Seismic Pounding Probability of Buildings in Taipei Metropolitan Area",  Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers,  Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 123-135.,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  29. 林正祥 (2002),  "簡支型橋樑承受H20(M18)標準貨車載重之動態反應",  土木工程技術,  第六卷,第四期,第51-63頁。.
  30. Jeng-Hsiang Lin and Cheng-Chiang Weng (2001),  "Analytical Study of Probable Peak Vehicle Load on Rigid Pavement",  ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering,  Vol.127, No.6, pp. 471-476.,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  31. Jeng-Hsiang Lin and Cheng-Chiang Weng (2001),  "Probability Analysis of Seismic Pounding of Adjacent Buildings",  Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,  Vol. 30, No. 10, pp. 1539-1557.,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  32. Jeng-Hsiang Lin and Cheng-Chiang Weng (2001),  "Spectral Analysis on Pounding Probability of Adjacent Buildings",  Engineering Structures,  Vol.23, No.7, pp.768-778.,  [SCI].
  33. 林正祥、翁正強 (2000),  "相鄰建築物最大相對位移之理論解研究--互相關項之敏感度分析",  土木工程技術,  第四卷,第一期,第25-41頁。.
  34. 林正祥、翁正強 (1999),  "相鄰建築物耐震間隔近似理論估算法之比較與探討",  土木工程技術,  第三卷,第一期,第1-22頁。.
  35. Jeng-Hsiang Lin (1997),  "Separation Distance to Avoid Seismic Pounding of Adjacent Buildings",  Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,  Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 395-403.,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  36. 林正祥 (1996),  "臺北盆地相鄰建築物之防撞間隔研究",  中國土木水利工程學刊,  第八卷,第三期,第363-370頁。,  [EI].