

Name: 汪向榮  教授
汪向榮  教授
Degree: 國立臺灣大學博士
E-mail: sjwang@mail.ntust.edu.tw
Homepage: --
Office: E2-709
Tel: +886-2-2730-3650
Fax: +886-2-2737-6606
Major Field: 地震工程、耐震設計、隔減震技術、靜動力實驗


Title Start At End At Remark Link
副教授 2018-02 2021-02 國立台灣科技大學營建工程系 [LINK]
合聘副教授 2017-02 2018-07 國立成功大學土木工程系 [LINK]
秘書長 2016-01 2017-12 中華民國地震工程學會 [LINK]
理事 2018-01 2021-12 中華民國地震工程學會 [LINK]
理事、學術活動委員會委員、會刊編輯出版委員會委員 2020-01 2021-12 中華民國結構工程學會 [LINK]
主任委員 2018-01 2021-12 中華民國結構工程學會隔減震委員會 [LINK]
主任委員 2014-01 2021-12 中華民國地震工程學會隔減震委員會 [LINK]
會員委員會副主任委員、土木水利學刊委員會編輯委員 2020-02 2020-11 中國土木水利工程學會 [LINK]
委員 2014-01 2017-12 中華民國結構工程學會隔減震委員會 [LINK]
委員 2014-01 2015-12 中華民國結構工程學會研究發展委員會 [LINK]
研究員 2014-01 2018-01 國家地震工程研究中心 [LINK]
副研究員 2010-01 2013-12 國家地震工程研究中心 [LINK]
助理研究員 2004-01 2009-12 國家地震工程研究中心 [LINK]
專案助理研究員 2000-01 2003-12 國家地震工程研究中心 [LINK]

期刊論文 & 研討會論文 & 專書及技術報告

  1. 吳逸軒, 汪向榮, 張國鎮, 陳東陽 (2019),  "多類型複合地震超結構之寬頻帶設計與分析(Seismic metamaterials made of an array of multiple cell units with broad band gap)",  中國土木水利工程學刊(Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering),  第31卷第1期,第103~118頁.
  2. Chen PC, Hsu SC, Zhong YJ, Wang SJ (2019),  "Real-time hybrid simulation of smart base-isolated raised floor systems for high-tech industry",  Smart Structures and Systems,  23 (1): 91-106,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  3. Wang SJ, Chiu IC, Yu CH, Chang KC (2018),  "Experimental and analytical study on design performance of full-scale viscoelastic dampers",  Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,  17(4): 693-706,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  4. Wang SJ, Lin WC, Chiang YS, Hwang JS (2019),  "Mechanical behavior of lead rubber bearings under and after non-proportional plane loading",  Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,  48(13): 1508-1531,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  5. Wang SJ, Chiu IC, Yu CH, QY Zhang, Chang KC (2019),  "Experimental beyond design and residual performances of full-scale viscoelastic dampers and their empirical modelling",  Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,  48(10): 1093-1111,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  6. Witarto Witarto, Wang SJ, Yang CY, Wang J, Mo YL, Chang KC, Tang Y (2019),  "Three-dimensional periodic materials as seismic base isolator for nuclear infrastructure",  AIP Advances,  9(4): 045014,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  7. Wang SJ, Yu CH, Cho CY, Hwang JS (2019),  "Effects of design and seismic parameters on horizontal displacement responses of sloped rolling-type seismic isolators",  Structural Control and Health Monitoring,  26(5),  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  8. Wang SJ, Lee BH, Chuang WC, I-C Chiu, Chang KC (2019),  "Building mass damper design based on optimum dynamic response control approach",  ENGINEERING STRUCTURES,  187: 85-100,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  9. Witarto W, Wang SJ, Yang CY, Nie X, Mo YL, Chang KC, Tang Y, Kassawara R (2018),  "Seismic isolation of small modular reactors using metamaterials",  AIP Advances,  8(4): 045307,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  10. Wang SJ, Lee BH, Chuang WC, Chang KC (2018),  "Optimum dynamic characteristic control approach for building mass damper design",  EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS,  47(4): 872-888,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  11. 汪向榮, 林旺春, 游忠翰, 楊卓諺 (2017),  "應用斜面滾動隔震技術提升重要設備耐震性能",  土木水利雙月刊(The Magazine of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering),  第44卷第1期,第59~67頁.  [LINK]
  12. Wang SJ, Yu CH, Lin WC, Hwang JS, Chang KC (2017),  "A generalized analytical model for sloped rolling-type seismic isolators",  ENGINEERING STRUCTURES,  138: 434-446,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  13. Wang SJ, Yang YH, Lin FR, Jeng JW, Hwang JS (2017),  "Experimental study on seismic performance of mechanical/electrical equipment with vibration isolation systems",  JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING,  21(3): 439-460,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  14. Chen PC, Wang SJ (2016),  "Improved control performance of sloped rolling-type isolation devices using embedded electromagnets",  STRUCTURAL CONTROL & HEALTH MONITORING,  24(1): e1853,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  15. Witarto W, Wang SJ, Nie X, Mo YL, Shi Z, Tang Y, Kassawara RP (2016),  "Analysis and design of one dimensional periodic foundations for seismic base isolation of structures",  International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications,  6: 5-15.
  16. 汪向榮, 游忠翰, 林旺春 (2016),  "減震與隔震技術-建築的盔甲與防護罩",  科學發展(Science Development),  第519期,第6~11頁.
  17. 汪向榮, 游忠翰, 林旺春 (2016),  "斜面滾動隔震技術",  科學發展(Science Development),  第519期,第12~16頁.
  18. Seki M, Xuan D, Pavel C, Wang SJ, Medel RA, Smirnov V, Yenidogan C, Whittaker D, Melkumyan M, F (2016),  "Recent information on seismically isolated buildings in the world",  MENSHIN, Japan Society of Seismic Isolation,  92: 20-37.
  19. Yang YH, Hwang JS, Wang SJ, Shiau CY, Murota N (2016),  "Seismic response prediction of base-isolated structures with high damping rubber bearings",  Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,  39(1): 12-25,  [SCI].  [LINK]
  20. Wang SJ, Hwang JS, Chang KC, Shiau CY, Lin WC, Tsai MS, Hong JX, Yang YH (2014),  "Sloped multi-roller isolation devices for seismic protection of equipment and facilities",  EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS,  43(10): 1443-1461,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  21. Wang SJ, Hwang JS, Chang KC, Lin MH, Lee BH (2013),  "Analytical and experimental studies on mid-story isolated buildings with modal coupling effect",  EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS,  42(2): 201-219,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  22. Wang SJ, Chang KC, Hwang JS, Hsiao JY, Lee BH, Hung YC (2012),  "Dynamic behavior of a building structure tested with base and mid-story isolation systems",  ENGINEERING STRUCTURES,  42: 420-433,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  23. Xiang HJ, Shi ZF, Wang SJ, Mo YL (2012),  "Periodic materials-based vibration attenuation in layered foundations: experimental validation",  SMART MATERIALS & STRUCTURES,  21(11): 112003,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  24. Kato H, Mori T, Samejima Y, Murota N, Kikuchi M, Chang KC, Hwang JS, Wang SJ (2012),  "Seismic response analysis for isolated structure on high-damping rubber bearings using a hysteresis model based on an integral type deformation history constitutive law",  Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, Architectural Institute of Japan,  58B: 231-240.
  25. Liao WI, Hwang JS, Sung YC, Wang SJ (2011),  "Health monitoring of RC frame structure to shake table excitations",  Advanced Materials Research,  287-290: 2776-2780,  [EI].  [LINK]
  26. Wang SJ, Chang KC, Hwang JS, Lee BH (2011),  "Simplified analysis of mid-story seismically isolated buildings",  EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS,  40(2): 119-133,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  27. Hwang JS, Huang YN, Wang SJ, Hung CF (2010),  "Design force transmitted by isolation system composed of lead-rubber bearings and viscous dampers",  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY AND DYNAMICS,  10(2): 287-298,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  28. 張國鎮, 黃震興, 汪向榮, 李柏翰, 林孟慧 (2009),  "強震監測全都錄 全臺第一棟臺大土研大樓隔震與監測系統簡介",  營建知訊,  第314期,第37~49頁.
  29. 張國鎮, 黃震興, 林孟慧, 汪向榮, 李柏翰 (2008),  "建築物中間層隔震之實驗與分析",  土木水利雙月刊,  第35卷,第4期.
  30. 黃震興, 汪向榮 (2007),  "黏滯型消能元件基本原理",  土木水利會刊,  第34卷,第6期.
  31. Hwang JS, Wang SJ, Huang YN, Chen JF (2007),  "A Seismic retrofit method by connecting viscous dampers for microelectronics factories",  EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS,  36(11): 1461-1480,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  32. Yang YS, Hsieh SH, Tsai KC, Wang SJ, Wang KJ, Cheng WC, Hsu CW (2007),  "ISEE: internet-based simulation for earthquake engineering. part I: database approach",  EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS,  36(15): 2291-2306,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  33. Wang KJ, Tsai KC, Wang SJ, Cheng WC, Yang YS (2007),  "ISEE: internet-based simulation for earthquake engineering. part II: application protocol approach",  EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS,  36(15): 2307-2323,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  34. 張國鎮, 何明錦, 黃震興, 詹添全, 陶其駿, 汪向榮 (2007),  "台灣建築隔減震技術之發展與應用(Development and Application of Seismic Isolation and Energy Dissipation Systems for Buildings in Taiwan)",  建築學報,  第62期,第133~148頁.
  35. Hwang JS, Tsai CH, Wang SJ, Huang YN (2006),  "Experimental study of RC building structures with supplemental viscous dampers and lightly reinforced walls",  ENGINEERING STRUCTURES,  28(13): 1816-1824,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  36. Wang KJ, Wang SJ, Yang YS, Cheng WC, Chang YY, Weng YT, Lin ML, Tsai KC, Lau DT (2006),  "Networked collaborative pseudo-dynamic testing",  Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences,  33(3): 18-26,  [EI].
  37. Yang YS, Chang YY, Wang SJ, Wang KJ, Weng YT, Lin ML, Cheng WC, Tsai KC, Lau DT, Hsieh SH (2006),  "A remote collaborative seismic design and simulation on large-scale DSCFT piers",  Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences,  33(3): 40-46,  [EI].
  38. Mo YL, Wang SJ (2000),  "Seismic behavior of RC columns with various tie configurations",  JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING-ASCE,  126(10): 1122-1130,  [SCI],  [EI].  [LINK]
  39. Mo YL, Wang SJ (2000),  "Seismic behavior of reinforced concrete columns",  Magazine of Concrete Research,  52(6): 419-432,  [SCI],  [EI].